Cracking the Code is a new report from KPMG,
global business psychologist firm YSC and the 30% Club on gender intelligent
approaches to developing corporate leaders. The findings dispel some of the
common gender diversity myths in the workplace. Our report highlights three key
things that organisations could focus on to adopt a more gender intelligent
approach to improving their talent pipeline health.
The report focuses on 10 myths including:
• How
childrearing prevents women from getting to the top
• How
women lack the leadership qualities to get to the top
• How
the business case for diversity is working
‘Cracking the code’ is the 30% Club’s
strap-line for really understanding what works for women in business and
whether this differs from what works for men. The research aims to avoid
‘fixing women’ to adapt to male-dominated structures and ‘beating men up’.
Instead, the report aims to provide practical ideas for organisations around
utilising data, leadership and accountability to finally ‘crack the code’ on
gender diversity.
Research methodology
Over the course of this research, we
collected data from several FTSE 100 and FTSE 250 organisations. Doing
this helped us learn more about male and female representation below board
level, their working patterns and their progression. Our research covers several
organisations which combined employ just over 680,000 people in total, across
retail, energy and utilities, financial services and other large
Organisations were asked to provide their UK
data on:
- Number of women and men at each level of the organisation
- Executive Committee job roles
- Number of female/male appointments and exits from senior executive roles
- Participation in high potential programmes and the criteria selection for such programmes
- Participation in flexible working practices
- Organisational reporting policies
The survey responses were brought into a secure
single repository for analysis. The results were then categorised and
the key ratios and averages were calculated. To avoid skewing of the data, the
ratios were calculated at a respondee level and then aggregated, to create
overall population averages.
Quelle: KPMG
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