Montag, 2. Juni 2014

Career Innovation: Europe’s first Recruiting Platform for Senior Female Executives

Europe’s first Recruiting Platform for Senior Female Executives, ‘EXXECTA” goes live with over 2.000 candidates already registered

Munich, June 2014: This month for the first time in Europe, senior female executives have the opportunity to register with a recruiting platform agency solely created for them.

·       Already more than 2.000 top-class registered, thereof alone 26 percent on C-level
·       Access only possible by invitation and after evaluation
·       All Senior Executive Profiles remain anonymous – until they personally release their profiles 

Exxecta promises to offer successful female managers exciting new challenges and opportunities in their professional careers.  Female managers are also given the opportunity to test their current value in their relevant industry by being included in a ‘candidate pool’.  The actual identities of the candidates are not disclosed, however, both executive search firms and employers across Europe can assess the executive female elite anonymously.  With its dual approach Exxecta have created a direct link between Senior female executives and European companies, thereby filling a gap in the recruitment market.

Despite continuous rising numbers of female university graduates, the number of female top executives has been stagnating for years, especially in Germany. Neither the social debate nor the self-commitment of various conglomerates to “more female managers” has affected a change to date, besides all the well-known reasons like the so called, “glass ceiling” and ‘missing childcare facilities’. In the meantime a series of behavioural patterns can be quoted, that explain this phenomenon even beyond Germany’s borders.  Exxecta’s Managing Director, Nicole Bernthaler states, “Women are usually the more “loyal” employees and are far more likely to renounce a career-enhancing change of employer – different to their male competitors; which becomes a key problem.” Bernthaler added, “Women are more self-critical and – with a view on their performances – less extroverted. This fact could hardly be softened even with the help of a statuary quota.”

The innovative Recruiting Platform Exxecta, picks up on these behavioural patterns and considers in particular the distinct need of discretion for top female managers. This is why at Exxecta also executives without any will to change their position can register: Their visible Exxecta profile is set up in a way that it is impossible for ‘searchers’ to discover any candidates’ identity, Furthermore, only evaluated Employers and Executive search firms are given access to their short profiles. “This intelligent way of Exxecta profile matching, creates a differentiated and highly specialised proposal list and reduces the time for research of the respective searcher considerably”, explains Christoph Bücheler, the Managing Director in charge of Business Development and Strategy. Bücheler, added, “The pool was designed in a way that it offers additional search results to Executive Search firms. Simplified it delivers ‘thinking out of the box’ results, offering the searcher additional options which they may not have considered, but upon assessing them realize they are sometimes equally valid if not more so.  A completely new approach for the whole industry.” In the end it is up to the registered Senior Executives who are entitled to access a full Long Profile.  

The first Exxecta numbers are already testament to how big the demand for such a service among the female leadership elite is: Already during the pre-launch phase more than 1000 leadership personalities across all industries and competence fields registered with their long profile, fulfilling the access requirements of the Exxecta founders.

These include, amongst others, at least five years professional experience in a management role first with a minimum at second level management.  With 26% of women on board and CEO level representing the biggest group registered and approved profiles, followed by heads of departments and business units with 16% and 13% respectively.
More information is provided under

About Exxecta:Exxecta is the exclusive Recruiting Platform that brings together Senior Female Top Executives with Companies and Executive Searchers, to fill top class management positions in an efficient and discrete way. Access to the Exxecta Pool for Senior Executives is by invitation only and after a thorough evaluation of their career path. This guarantees Employers and Executive Searchers a broad choice of top-class potential candidates. Discretion has a top priority at Exxecta: All information that may lead to the identity of a Senior Executive, remain anonymous until the potential candidate decides, to whom she discloses her complete profile information to. Exxecta’s searching mechanism has been designed in such a way that is impossible for searchers or employers to directly contact Senior Executives ad hoc.  Stringent criteria which include detailed job descriptions and candidates’ long profiles being vetted form part of the Exxecta process which ensures their candidates don’t experience ‘time wasters’.  Exxecta is represented by country subsidiaries in Germany and England, further expansion across Europe is planned with the help of country licenses. 

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